Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, who on Sunday visited injured Rishabh Pant at the Max Hospital here, said the cricketer's car hit the divider while he was trying to avoid a pothole on the Delhi-Dehradun highway.
Actress Urvashi Rautela was recently captured at the Mumbai airport in a black latex dress. While she was making her way to the airport, the strap of her dress got off her shoulder, but the actress fixed it quickly, thus saving herself from being embarrassed.
Rishabh Pant car crashes into divider in Haridwar district, taken to hospital after massive road accident: Follow LIVE Updates from Rishabh Pant s road accident in Uttarakhand here
In the initial statement from the Superintendent of Police he claimed that Pant fell asleep while driving, the Delhi District Cricket Association (DDCA) Shyam Sharma stated this reason behind the accident.