The Fair has always taken the Los Angeles area demographics into careful consideration while booking artists. “If you go back in time, you’ll see lots of R&B, rock and roll and Hispanic-type music. That’s very purposeful. … Being somebody who grew up in Pomona, I understood the culture.
Romero, 82, was born in Billings in 1941 and graduated from Billings Senior. After high school, he hitchhiked to Los Angeles, where he wrote "The Hippy Hippy Shake".
Romero, 82, was born in Billings in 1941 and graduated from Billings Senior. After high school, he hitchhiked to Los Angeles, where he wrote "The Hippy Hippy Shake".
Romero, 82, was born in Billings in 1941 and graduated from Billings Senior. After high school, he hitchhiked to Los Angeles, where he wrote "The Hippy Hippy Shake".