In a surprise move, Becker County Administrator Pat Oman brought the items back for consideration Nov. 15, even though the action was not included on the board agenda for that day’s meeting.
“I think we can work together really well,” David Meyer said. “What I’ve been talking about the whole time is fixing the relationship between leadership and workers, so we can make Becker County a place where people want to work and want to be at. That needs to be addressed soon. Becker County can’t afford to lose any more people.”
Two potential road agreements showed up in the county board information packet for Oct. 18, one of which was confusing at best and intentionally misleading at worst.
Becker County commissioners on Tuesday agreed to spend a little over $235,000 to digitize those big books a project that will finish a decades-long, off-and-on digitization effort in the Becker County Recorder’s Office.