Into the and i demonic young dictate dictator could not be more timely. The book provides insight into who kim jong un is, what makes him tick and what to tell up at night. The book has earned wide praise from among the leading thinkers and former policy practitionersdealing with north korean issues and were fortunate that they will for the next hour with us down what we need to know about how north korea operates , who jung pak who kim jong un is and what is going on in north korea so welcome them to this conversation. They both areformer intelligence analysts who represent the best of their previous professions. They each were tremendous colleagues while in government and they are tremendous friends now. In addition to being deeply informed , kind and deadly smart, they are also a ton of fun so before i turn it over to jung and sue, we are collecting many questions from members of the audience and welcome you to send more. Do so by sending an email to events at brookings. Edu or via
Dorothy Edna Sprague would have been 95 on August 5, 2022. She was born on August 5, 1927 to a loving couple, Albert G. Shuman and Hazel (Heyer) Shuman of Waldoboro. She was the oldest of four children. She grew up in the Waldoboro area and attended.