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Game over, man.
B. Fleischmann, Composure
The Bird and the Bee, Fucking Boyfriend
Way Out West, Ultraviolet
Hard to Characterize. Some happy dance music. Some music you just want to sit down and watch the video.
Empire of the Sun, Celebrate, the Hook & Sling remix WINNER OF THE COVETED 2010 JET-POOP PRIZE FOR, WELL, SOMETHING! Winner of the almost-as-highly-coveted Award for Outstanding Excellence, which came with trophy!
mauler: I love the collection of catbox quotes on your hn. This must be the 3rd or 4th time I ve come back to read them over the years.
Episode 468 RE:Her + Annie Hart
Aired: Sunday, January 17th 2021
HOSTED BY Finger on the Pulse
Showcasing Los Angeles’ incredible women-owned restaurants, the Regarding Her festival (RE:Her) takes its inaugural flight on January 21. The 10-day event features a roster of 100 participating restaurants from all across the sprawling metropolis, and is a spectrum of the city’s diverse cuisines and eateries. Lien Ta, of All Day Baby, and Heather Sperling of Botanica, are two of RE:Her’s nine founding members, and they give us the rundown of how the festival came to be and what you can expect to see on the menus.
This Week’s Livestreams (Foo Fighters, Courtney Barnett, Yo La Tengo, Rick Ross, more)
LAST UPDATED: 12/18 at 6:54 PM ET
HERE ARE THIS WEEK S LIVESTREAMS (Sunday, 12/13 - Saturday, 12/19):
Saturday, December 19
4 AM ET, 3 PM ET, and
11 PM ET on Momenthouse. Tickets are on sale now.
BadPond Live Stream Festivals streams on YouTube at
9:30 AM ET, featuring
A.A. Williams, Jamie Lenman, Saint Agnes and more.
All Them Witches stream two virtual concerts at
2 PM ET and
Riz Ahmed is streaming a virtual performance of
The Long Goodbye at
Enslaved are streaming all three parts of the Cinematic Summer Tour at
3 PM ET on