According to a doctor, the journey towards type 2 diabetes begins with "seemingly-innocuous" decisions: a diet rich in processed foods, sedentary habits, lack of physical activity, etc.
According to health experts, 15% of people in Shelby and DeSoto counties have Type 2 diabetes. One doctor is teaming up with a local church to help those at risk
It s critical for diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels under control, especially during winter. Cold weather can restrict and block the flow of oxygen and blood in our arteries. This can lead to a series of issues and high blood sugar is one of those. Here we have a tonic drink which can save you from uncontrolled diabetes.
The study found that when compared with adults who didn t drink tea, those who drank 1-3 cups daily lowered their risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 4%, while those who consumed at least 4 cups every day reduced their risk by 17%.