1. The Texas Hammer There s only one place to start when it comes to local commercials. The ads for the personal injury law firm of Jim Adler & Associates are stuck in the heads of every Dallas resident with a TV or Internet connection. Adler appears in every ad carrying his special sledgehammer IN A HOLSTER because, of course, he s The Texas Hammer. Duh. And to his credit, the ads work because they always go viral and even once got an entire And now. segment on John Oliver s
Adler speaks with the confidence of a coked up high school quarterback just before he takes the field; his personal iambic pentameter requires him to emphasize the word hammer regardless of the context. Practically all of his commercials feature him and sometimes his son and law partner Bill Adler screaming near the top of their lungs at semi-trucks who are too frightened to run him down or even be in his presence. We don t know what semi-trucks did to him to when he was a kid, and frankly, we never
here we have this weeks news week complete with madmen a show that s been our favorite since the first season. i remember calling amc saying can i have the first season dvd. complete with retro ads. that s a neat idea. it s cool. here is madmen the article. i saw look at these old ads here. retro dunkin doughnuts ad. you can say yep to america s cup. i love the way everybody got into it. we went to the advertisers and said go back to your libraries dig out the old ones and go retro or the new ones went retro for the hell of it. in the back you have two astronauts landing on the moon kissing. you know buzz alder was tweeting about it yesterday.