anthony: well, in this case, yes. do you know how to play this game? jose: tony, i ve seen this often. i ve never played in my life. anthony: it has to be over the line? jose: over the line, very important. it has to hit that surface, we know that. anthony: all right, but it s okay if you hit any pin? but it can bounce? jose: it can bounce, yeah. so the ball has to go spinning, so when it touches the spin will take the ball. anthony: i can do that. jose: probably not. i cannot believe this is the
robert frost, beans, beans, the musical fruit. the more you eat, the more you toot. the more you toot, the better you feel, so eat some beans with every meal. jose: that s the reason coming here. anthony: oh, it s beautiful. i expect to be accosted by some keebler elves at any moment. we welcome you to munchkin land. munchkin land. jose: it moves.
skin is better than the flesh itself. oh, my, god. wow. wow. jose: is it everything i told you? anthony: it s everything you told me. the fats, ethereally suspended somehow between skin, flesh, and bone. you bite into it and just a flood of flavor explodes in your brainpan. jose: keep going, keep going. anthony: jose, this is an enchanted country, and in fact this region of the country is the most extraordinary place i can think of. jose: dollar bills. anthony: the mountains, the sea, it s amazing. jose: i m throwing you the bills. if i had hundreds. anthony: just stuff it in the g-string, my friend.
sea, it s amazing. jose: i m throwing you the bills. if i had hundreds. anthony: just stuff it in the g-string, my friend. jose: we are so close to a wide, i don t anthony: and no, i ll let you say it. what do we say about now? no, first we take one more satisfied bite. jose: i think i got the [ bleep ] bone in my throat. anthony: tracheotomy, i m going in. i think we ve learned something here in asturias. i don t know why i didn t expect it to be this beautiful, but it is far more beautiful than i could have ever imagined. the food is incredible, the people are wonderful. you were right about [ bleep ] everything. you call it, my friend. turn to the camera and say the magic word jose: i am not anthony bourdain, but i m calling wide! that s the end of the show.
anthony: wow. jose: it s a hot day today. anthony yeah. jose: i came overdressed. anthony: jesus. jose: okay, are you hungry now? anthony: oh, god, are we there? jose: that s the town. you re going to see what the people of the mountain used to eat. anthony: well, to quote the great american poet