Look into other options and don’t be put off by ventures that will only add small increments to your monthly income - every little helps across a longer period of time. Get creative about ways to earn a bit more money. This could be anything from selling things you no longer need on sites like eBay, or turning a hobby into a small business you could do at the weekends and evenings. You might even consider renting out a spare room or second home if you have one. Whatever it might be, any additional income will play a part in getting you closer to early retirement.
| UPDATED: 10:06, Wed, Dec 16, 2020
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Pension saving can make up only a component of the money people put away for retirement, with many choosing savings and investments as alternative sources of income. However, many Britons have been knocked for six as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, leaving their plans for retirement in tatters. Research undertaken by Standard Life has shown a third of over 55s nearing retirement believe the pandemic has made them more cautious with their savings and investments.
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