head quarters . medicare taking center stage on the campaign trail today as candidates talk about their plans to preserve medicare. congressman paul ryan making the critical debut in swing state of the florida. and he is addressing the senior citizens. the congressman was accompanied by his mother. 78 yore old betty douglas who has a retirement home in fort lauderdale. congressman rhine roin - ryan said obama voted to expand. under the romney/ryen - ryan ticket people will be protected. medicare was there for my grandma when why needed it then and medicare is there for my mom while she needs it now and we have sokeep that guarantee. congressman ryan waing to
see alternatives for younger generations . in the mean time president obama making two stops in new hampshire saying the opponent s plan for medicare would only cost seniors more. my plan saves money by cracking down on fraud, waste and insurance subsidies. and their plan makes seniors pay more so they can give another tax cut to millionaires and billionaires. carl calmeron cameron was at ryan s rally today. how does he respond to being extreme. it doesn t bother him. and i asked him that question. he said i am a happy but he s not happy about what the