completely changed medicare as we know it by replacing it with the paper service voucher program as they dub it. now, it is an alternate, a choice. walk us through the process of changing it because mr. romney objected to the first one because it wasn t a choice. was that what changed your mind? mitt romney came out with his medicare reform plan first before we did in the house. as we got into looking at this issue talking with democrats, it evolved to be a plan that is now bipartisan. this medicare reform plan originated in the clinton bipartisan commission to save medicare. a bill with bipartisan support in congress today. what mitt romney is talking about is making sure that we keep the medicare program intact for people in or near retirement and preventing the raid that president obama has put on the program to pay for obama care. by repealing obama care we can restore medicare and we are offering a bipartisan solution to make sure it is there for future retirees when they
extreme to exceptional drought incrise in our country and across the midwest. we have showers and storms that are moving in the area. it is not enough to put us out of a drought. they could produce severe weather in texas and arkansas and mississippi and louisiana. looking at a risk for large hail and isolated tornados. and we are keeping an eye on the carolinas for the same risk. thank you, maria. it is not just the health of the economy taking center stage, so is the future of health care for millions of seniors. governor mitt romney and president obama with two different versions of medicare. we look at those plans and what thigh need for you. kids getting up close and personal with sharkings. we ll tell you why, stay tuned for that.
bigger than two or four. it could be cool. and there is always four vet ran shark wranglings on board it help out with each catch. this is fox news . i am heather childers in for harris falker it is bottom of the hour and time for the news. which campaign has the healthiest plan for medicare. president obama in new hampshire today. and governor mitt romney s running mate in florida. congressman ryan speaking to senior citizens accused president obama for making medicare a piggy bank and the congressman vows to protect the program president obama said the romney-ryan plan for medicare will only cost senior citizens more. both florida and new hampshire are key battle
i take full responsibility for it it was not my intention . but it doesn t change the fact that the stimulus was a bomb. it didn t work. it was a boondoggle. spending on things like solsoldoes not create jobs . paul ryan getting in the groove with the romney talking points and taking the offense and defending the romney proposals in no less thant village. at one of the biggest retirement developments in the whole world, heather. president obama areiched back in washington after campaigning in new hampshire and attending two events. one in wyndam and one in rochester. he talked about medicare and taxes. telling supporters they have a choice between different
in the mean time democrats put out a memo saying romney and ryan are not giving many details of the medicare plan because it would be politically suicide. paul ryan focused on medicare in a huge retirement center in and appeared along side his 78 year old mother and offering a personal defense of medicare to refute democratic claims that he s trying to end the program. he said the president is trying to cut the program by 716 billion. we ll end the raid of medicare and restore the promise of the program and make sure the board of burrcrats will not mess with my mom s health care or yours. the whoit white said it