Ruptured good friday, 5 24 p. M. It was centered in prince Williams Sound and resulted in a massive tsunami. Anchorage with a population of 100,000 parties was in the center that ripped down 4th avenue, the main shopping street. On one side, buildings slipped into the fishers, on the other side, not even some plate glass wood in shops. This Department Store was crowded with weekend shoppers storm struck. With statistics being called days later, not many more than 100 lost their lives, however a loss in property is staggering, making it at least 500 million. Home in the area are tumbled and broken among the fishers. It is as if some giant hand swept call houses off of doll houses off of foundations. It was 35 times as strong as the San Francisco storm of 1986, and until now as the greatest shock in history. Guards had a hard time keeping people away from going home, meaning a pipe of rubble. First it was hit by the earthquake, following three title waves. Economic dependent on the fishi
I am glad to add my support for Jeff Harmon as Auburn’s next mayor. I have met Jeff, and he is an upstanding citizen who is open and honest. He listens to what the public is saying and makes decisions based on their interests not his own. His leadership qualities are second to none, as […]
Several groups are working together to embark on a one-of-a-kind urban mussel restoration project for the Snakeden and Glade stream valleys in Reston. The project is part of a partnership with Virginia Tech, the U.S Geological Survey and other institutions. The team will work to install mussel beds into restored streams and evaluate their ability
As the heat index crept toward 104 degrees on a mid-August afternoon, it was easy to feel what the freshwater mussels nestled into a nearby stream in Reston, VA, were
After several years of workshops and research, the Chesapeake Bay Programs Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee has released a report concluding that mussel restoration is ripe for broader investment by those looking to clean up the Bay and its rivers.