As horrific mass shootings happen across the country, committed mostly by young men, it is evident that childhood trauma, isolation, and the absence of an involved father each plays a role in fostering such tragedies. Fatherhood Resource Hub says that the children of involved dads are 39% more likely to earn A’s in school; 60% less likely to be suspended or expelled; twice as likely to attend college or find stable employment; 75% less likely to have a teen birth; and 80% less likely to spend time in jail.
SLO County Undocu Support was formed in April 2020 to assist undocumented immigrants – The popularity of shows that we, as Americans, are naturally […]
As horrific mass shootings happen across the country, committed mostly by young men, it is evident that childhood trauma, isolation, and the absence of an involved father each plays a role in fostering such tragedies.