The CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation), on Wednesday, filed the additional chargesheet against the founder-director of ‘Prayag Group of Companies’ Swapna Bakshi over charges of misappropriation.
Indian Hospitality Sector News - , Business-The resort features 59 exquisite beach villas including luxurious penthouses and 36 water villas with an option of private swimming pools
Saturday, 10 April, 2021, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Our Bureau, New Delhi
Signum Hotels and Resorts Private Limited, a hospitality brand operating hotels in India as well as overseas, launches a strategic joint venture with the leading real estate player, IQI India. The joint venture committed an investment of $150 million in developing hotel assets across the country, and globally, over a period of two to five years.
The joint venture was launched at a press event in the city, comes at a time when the Indian hospitality industry is triggering a recovery phase. Though the investments in the sector are at its lowest, the partnership will capitalize on the opportunity to identify and acquire assets at competitive deals, and aims to develop 5000 keys over a period of next two to five years. The expansion will be fueled through mergers, acquisitions and property investments across metros, tier two and three cities in India to promote domestic as well as inbound tou