/PRNewswire/ The latest report by Technavio on the test preparation market in India infers that the rising number of enrollments in test preparation courses.
/PRNewswire/ The latest report by Technavio on the test preparation market in India infers that the rising number of enrollments in test preparation courses.
How KKR’s credit risks came crashing down
The credit unit’s then CEO Sanjay Nayar (now KKR India’s chairman) saw big potential in structured corporate loans, which tend to offer higher interest rates than traditional bank loans but come with fewer creditor protections.
(Photo: Mint)Premium
Anto Antony,
, Bloomberg
A global investment behemoth’s sprint from boom to bust is a cautionary tale about India’s shadow-lending sector.
With a growing number of foreign money managers looking for opportunities to sift through the wreckage of India’s debt markets, the story behind KKR’s troubled bet illustrates what can go wrong