larry: you now throw fancy dinner parties. i ve never been invited by the way. you have a-listers at your house last weekend. jackie collins, suzanne somers, lily tomlin, chris bodie and sidney poitier. in your face, king. that s got to hurt. that s got to be like a dagger in your heart. larry: i ve had dinner with sidney many times. come on. larry: how did this come about, you, a d-lister, what are you doing with these people? it s a sham. it s a traf es ti, but yet i m determined here s why. i m friends with sue mangers. she used to be a big power agent and gives these incredible dinner parties. i thought i would try one there is a lot of people in what i call the beverly hills mafia, and one of them is suzanne somers and jackie collins who between them have so much money it s ridiculous. they might as well eat it for lunch and crap it out. honestly, it s an insane amount. so they are beholden to no one, which is why i admire them. they don t really need