The first debate in just two weeks. Then the calendar thereafter littered with debates and caucuses, primaries and convention. Does that mean that trump should not be tried before the election . No. The cases should proceed as they would were the candidate not a president ial candidate. They should not be postponed because of the election, in which he has chosen to run. But nor should they be expedited. I have noted here before that theres a long and Noble Tra Jigs at doj of not wanting to act in a way that might be perceived as political. Five recent attorneys general, republicans ask democrats, have all signed the same memo affirm lg the importance of keeping politics out of criminal charges. A republican in 2008, eric holder in 2012 and Loretta Lynch in 2016, bill barr in 2020 and mek garland just last year, they have all used the same language, include ing this paragr quote, simply put, politics must play no role in the decisions the federal investigators or prosecutors regarding a
from the biden administration wh trump holds a formidable lead in the polls to secure the repuican party nomination and is runningeck and neck with biden, the democratic party s probable nominee. th deep ly unfortunate timing looks political ans potent political implications, if even it s not driven by partisan motivations. and it is the biden administration s responsibility as its justice department delayed the investigation of trump for a year andhen rushed to indict him well into the gop primary season, the unseemliness of the prosecution will grow if the biden campaign or its proxies use it as a weapon against trump if he s nominated. that s definitely the perspective of many republicans as evidenced by all the polls. trump has maintain ed a commanding lead over ron desantis and the others. thus far, he s benefitted politically from being indicted. as nutty as that sounds, it s born out by the data.