Five legislative days remain until Crossover Day, but the hoppers are still overflowing with new legislation and legislators’ hopes that their big ideas will run a sprint from first.
Georgia House took up the following measures on the floor on Legislative Day 22: HR 157, Property; conveyance of certain state owned property; authorize. The resolution passed by a vote of 168-0. HR 158 - Property; granting of nonexclusive easements; authorize SProp-154th.
The General Assembly returned to the State Capitol for Legislative Day 19 on Twos-day with multiple measures up for consideration in each chamber. The House approved a number of health-related propositions, including a bill to allow hospitals to offer flu vaccines.
Today’s work, as lawmakers close on the sixth week since the session’s opening, focused on local legislative initiatives in the House while there was more variety of subjects taken up by the Senate. In this Report: Floor Action, Committee Reports, New Legislation.
Today’s work, as lawmakers close on the sixth week since the session’s opening, focused on local legislative initiatives in the House while there was more variety of subjects taken up by the Senate. In this Report: Floor Action, Committee Reports, New Legislation.