in and around guns in ou country now. it mirrors much of our political radicalization as country. the industry itself, prior t about 2005 or 2006, would no allow any kind of tactical gea or any ar-15s, no helmets i its own trade shows. it seemed like it understood that propagating that kind o thing would lead to a very bad you bring an ar-15 to again on 2009, and you re a weirdo just 2008, 2009 was when th weirdo stuff starts wearin off. but yeah, you re a weirdo. among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit o happiness. it s worth looking at anothe portion of the declaration, few lines down from that mos famous bit and what that document said should be th goal of the new government tha the founders wanted to form. quote, it is the right of th people to institute ne government, laying its foundation on such principle and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shel seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness and quote.
pill in america, mifepristone, to a widely available. nbc news reports quote, th court decision means women can still obtain mifepristone by mail, use it at home, and us it up to ten weeks int pregnancy as litigatio continues in the lower court the generic version of the dru all also continue to b available. the case will now go back to the fifth circuit for oral arguments before a three judge panel on may 17th. nothing will chang mifepristone s ability - availability in the interim. later in the hour, i m going t be joined by the former planne parenthood leaders to sell richards, and the law professo to discuss more of what this ruling means but this piece of breaking new goes with a broade conversation that i was goin to have a few tonight. you know the line we hold thes truths to be self evident, tha all men are created equal, tha they are endowed by thei creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and
has responded to the supreme court ruling that the abortion pill mifepristone will remai available by the legal fight i ongoing. quote, of the president and will continue to fight t protect women s freedom to mak decisions about her own body and access to reproductive health care, including medication abortion. no one should stand between woman and her doctor and quote. that is tonight s last word. i have to see this weekend o my show, velshi. a bit of a different velsh book club meeting. we re focusing on the public library. what once was a communit fixture, a safe place to explore different worlds and our new ideas and become the battleground for the ideological fight over books i happening across the nation, but especially in texas. we re gonna discuss alarming new legislation there and more importantly, the librarians wh enforced who have been force to defend these importan books.
from - the country s biggest town don dock, covered in flags and signs saying welcome joe he popped into several restaurants in the town square saying, quote, it feels like oh he, said that, actually a couple times outside, he was swarme by well-wishers. he obliged and took selfie with the crowd met a few irish poets and into his dismay the secret servic asked for even more selfies. i m not sure was quite the scene. on friday he made his way west across the county and promised to be a day of high energy but it also took an unexpectedly emotional turn for the president. as nbc news, reports quote, dry one of his first stops i county mayo on friday, at knoc shrine, the present was done t encounter a catholic priest to a given the last writes to his name late son beau reverend frank o grady, who no
the tennessee general assembly tennessee republican responding by expelling tw democrats from state legislature. representatives justin pearson and justin jones bot reinstated last week after council on commission votes at the local level. the retaliation from tennessee republicans backfiring, instea giving these local leaders and national platform. nbc news reports quote, th fallout from those votes comes as the national gop is already mired in struggles of how to balance policies on issues tha are popular among th conservative base. support for abortion restrictions in opposition t new gun restrictions, bu deeply unappealing to swin voters in battleground state that will play a vital role in next year s elections. joining me now, tennessee stat representative justin jones. representative jones, thanks for being with us. i want to say we are monitorin in live feed from alabama, where officials are updating the investigation into the overnight shooting that killed four people.