ordinary the movement and many people in the ordinary general public. what i am here for ordinary general public. what i am here for is ordinary general public. what i am here for is to say to those people in the here for is to say to those people in the general public who are feeling in the general public who are feeling it, and this is millions and millions feeling it, and this is millions and millions of feeling it, and this is millions and millions of people now, who don t want millions of people now, who don t want to millions of people now, who don t want to glue themselves to anything or whatever, want to glue themselves to anything orwhatever, but want to glue themselves to anything or whatever, but who are in fundamental agreement with the understanding that we have got to absolutely radically and transformative lee shift. people who are afraid transformative lee shift. people who are afraid for the future of the children. are afraid for the future of
the world in terms combined. but china is also leading the world in terms of combined. but china is also leading the world in terms of renewable - the world in terms of renewable energw the world in terms of renewable energy. we ll let them get away with that? energy. we ll let them get away with that? we energy. we ll let them get away with that? we lead the world and the abolition that? we lead the world and the abolition of slavery and we need to be leading abolition of slavery and we need to be leading this. every single person needs be leading this. every single person needs to be leading this. every single person needs to look their children in the eye and needs to look their children in the eye and say, i did all that i could, i made eye and say, i did all that i could, i made a eye and say, i did all that i could, i made a difference as a teacher, as a journalist, i made a difference as a teacher, as a journalist, as an insurer, as an accountant. a jou