There has been a significant surge in recreations of old songs in Bollywood for films. It has almost become mandatory for every film to have at least one of these recreated songs. While many are on board with this idea, many from the music industry are not. In an exclusive interview with ETimes, singer Aaman Trikha opened up about his thoughts on such remakes, a recent original album he loved, and more. Excerpts…
What are your thoughts on remakes of old songs?
Anything, when it is overdone, is bad. Recreating a song that was released just five years ago does not make any sense. You can’t add anything fresh to it because the song is still there in people’s memory. It is fine if you take a song that is 40-50 years old. However, when you do, you just cannot play around with classic songs. They are etched in people’s memories. To make it look new, you just cannot change the entire graph of the song. You have to keep the soul of the song intact.