Of washington, took out Student Loans to do that. Some of the loans we debate here in congress recently, im paying off the Student Loans, but im grateful this is a country where no matter who you are, where you come from, that you can come here, you can pursue dreams, work hard, and really see what you can do with your life. And following your twitter account, twitting out including one in the mcdons uniform. How old were you in i was in college. It was a summer job that i had at that point in the mcdonalds in washington. There was that would be the probably 1986, my freshman year in college. National journal says youre one of the top ten republicans to follow on twitter. How much do you tweet . I try to do it my goal is once a day. Its a combined effort between my staff and myself, so it is, you know, sometimes they 2003 tweet or im tweeting, and i can easily check twitter on blackberry to get a sense of what the hot topics are, whats on peoples minds or what reactions are in congress
Function. It is designed to operate with nine justices as every member of the extreme case occurred when the justice resigned from the courts so his son ramsey would not have to face the issue but it demonstrates powerfully. But i really do think the justices should wrestle with a and embark on a course of conduct that eliminates this entirely. Because of financial interest. If one becomes the justice of the court then i think there is a deal. It is the implicit deal to order the Financial Affairs to conduct yourself as a justice and do your duty. There may come in times with one death in the family there may be a process but i would hope the justices would move to a system since they are not subject to the code of judicial conduct that has no authority over the Supreme Court of the United States so self regulation or heaven Forbid Congress getting into the session that you will decide every case of less you have the of a decade in or tom clark type of issue. Even if this is in the bud
I do not bring a puppy home if i do not have a plan for dealing with that puppy. He is all puppy and no plans. That is the way this has gone. Look at his jobs promises from green tech. He promised 5000 jobs. In 2010, 2000 union jobs in virginia from green tech. Then 900 jobs in the. I the time he left 900 jobs in mississippi the. Thank you. We go to chris with a question from someone in the commonwealth. What will you do to address Child Poverty and preschool readiness given that current governors decision not to apply for money for preschool readiness . We should not be giving up money that is due us from the federal government. My government likes to attack the federal government. I want to work with the federal government to bring those dollars in. I always talk about what we need to do in Early Childhood development. It is absolutely critical. When a child is born, between birth and three years old, 80 of the brain has been developed. Lets not start and end early age picking winner
Well, you know, mr. Speaker, i think something that c. S. Lewis once said will help with that. He said if you read history youll find that the people who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since people who largely ceased to think of the other world that she have become so ineffective in our world. I think joni understands this. Her mind is truly set on another place. Her life has been extraordinary. So, again, on behalf of the house of representatives, id like to recognize and celebrate the life of jon jon tada, a tada of oni eareckson and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes ms. Bonmuchey for five minutes. Ms. Bonamici, for five minutes. Ms. Bonamici i call attention to historic legislation that has for decades served as a lifeline to our countrys seniors. The Older Americans act is responsible for Critical Services like housing, nutrition and employment a
Think most americans have r an m idea of what the face of poverty is, what an individual in po poverty actually looks like and i think through these recent times people realize its ink affected everybody, rural, big cities, small communities, et cetera,le of b eve of every c. But today, as it stands, do any of you know, when it comes to wn the percent of people on public assistance, is the majority assn nonwhite minority or nonminority white. Does anybody know that figure . I dont know the figure. Figue the most recent figures figu youve been aware of . Ecent i can tell you about child . Poverty for the broad programs,l for a program like medicaid, i r would be almost sure it would bi nonminority white, because that covers a broad swath including the inlderly and disabled. For childcl poverty, thats abl. Divided roughly a third, a third, a third white, africanamerican and hispanic slightly more hispanic childrent are poor, but its pretty closep across the three of them. The reason i as