The Nonprofit Corporation Law marches to the beat of a different drummer. Sections 5513, 7513 and 9413 each allows members to take action without a meeting by written ballot unless prohibited by the articles or bylaws.
California's Nonprofit Corporation Law consists of three separate laws - the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law, the Mutual Benefit Corporation Law, and the Religious Corporation Law.
California's Nonprofit Corporation Law consists of three separate laws - the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law, the Mutual Benefit Corporation Law, and the Religious Corporation.
CA Nonprofit Corporation Law consists of three laws: Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law, Mutual Benefit Corporation Law, and Religious Corporation Law. Sections 5332, 7333, and 9332 permits corporation to refer to persons as members even though such persons are not.
Monday, May 24, 2021
The AME Zion Church of Palo Alto, Inc. was founded in 1918 and has occupied its sanctuary for over a half-century. In 2018, the Bishop of the Western Episcopal District of The African Method Episcopal Zion Church importuned the church s pastor into deeding the church to a corporation that the Bishop had formed. The corporation then borrowed, without the church s knowledge, several million dollars using the church s property as collateral. When the lenders filed notice of default and attempted to foreclose, the church filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code and then sued the lenders.
Bankruptcy Judge Frederick E. Clement refused the lenders motion to dismiss the church s claim, finding that irregularities in the deed put the lenders on notice of the existence of an