California Corporations Code prohibits California corporation from conducting meeting of shareholders solely by electronic transmission by and to corporation, electronic video screen communication conference telephone or remote communication. Phillip Chen introduced AB 231.
The Nonprofit Corporation Law marches to the beat of a different drummer. Sections 5513, 7513 and 9413 each allows members to take action without a meeting by written ballot unless prohibited by the articles or bylaws.
In Blue Mountain Enterprises, LLC v. Owen, a recent decision from the Court of Appeal of the State of California, First Appellate District, the appellate court upheld a ruling in favor of the buyer of a business under this exception.
CA Nonprofit Corporation Law consists of three laws: Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law, Mutual Benefit Corporation Law, and Religious Corporation Law. Sections 5332, 7333, and 9332 permits corporation to refer to persons as members even though such persons are not.
AB 979 is California's law requiring publicly held domestic and foreign corporations having their principal executive offices in California to have a minimum number of directors from underrepresented communities.