h.g. s ability to identify reginald carr. do you recall telling the detective, i never really got a look at his face because he kept it pretty much hidden? i don t know if those were my exact words or not. val wachtel argued that h.g. was not credible because she had been unable to make a positive identification of reginald carr at a preliminary hearing a few months before. as you look at mr. reginald carr sitting here today, does he look to you substantially the same as he did at the preliminary hearing? he s more shaven right now. when you were asked to identify reginald carr at the preliminary hearing, were you able to see his eyes? he had on glasses. are you able to see his eyes now? you can, but glasses are there again. are his eyes substantially the same as they were at the preliminary hearing? yes.
was no evidence. that just drove me nuts. after 11 hours, they reached a decision. guilty of capital murder. guilty of the capital murder. guilty of the capital murder. guilty on all counts for reginald carr. his brother jonathan carr guilty of all but the carjacking of andy schreiber. reginald and jonathan were sitting there expressionless. they didn t show you know, they weren t upset by it. they weren t, you know, happy by it. reginald was sitting there putting chapstick on. that s how much it affected him. for more than six weeks, jurors said they had been hearing and seeing evidence that kept them awake at night. but the toughest task was yet to come, deciding if two men who killed so easily deserved the death penalty. coming up, a new picture of the carr brothers. polite, kind, warm, giving. will the jury spare their lives? when in cold blood continues.
suspect s girlfriend. inside police found a big screen tv and other items belonging to the soccer field victims. the suspect has been arrested at an apartment complex in northeast wichita. andy schreiber saw the arrest on television. i thought, oh, my god, that s the guy that kidnapped me. though the suspect gave police a phony name at first, he was later identified as reginald carr, 23, an ex-con from dodge city. within 12 hours of discovering the bodies in the soccer field, police had a second suspect in custody, 20-year-old jonathan carr, reginald s brother. he was turned in by a woman whose daughter had recently started dating him. jonathan happened to be sleeping on the woman s couch when the news of the murders broke. the suspects are two african-american men believed to be in their 20s. the carrs told police they were innocent. but while waiting for blood and hair samples to be taken,
did jason say anything at that time? no. it was both a terrifying and poignant moment. the awful way she learned that jason was planning to propose. h.g. said the brothers took the ring that was supposed to be hers and then demanded money. none of us had any cash on us. they asked who had atm cards. we had all kind of raised our hands as we were laying down. and so, according to h.g., reginald carr forced them to drive him to atms to withdraw money, one at a time. they were wearing next to nothing. i asked him if he was going to shoot us. he said no. and i think i said, do you promise? and he said, yeah, i m not going to shoot you. did that convince you? it did. i went back and as i got in the closet, brad and jason and aaron were still in there. and i said, i think we re going to be okay. as the night wore on, h.g. said she was raped by both
camera and addressed the court. the last two years have been tormented not only for the loss of our son but always having to be reminded that justice has to be served. then the survivor. as hardened prosecutors wept, h.g. talked about her life and the night it was changed forever. every day there is a memory or a scar that reminds me of that night. while reginald and jonathan get to sleep peacefully in jail, i wake up in sweats from my nightmares. i pace at night because of noises that i think are somebody breaking into my house. and every morning i carefully blow dry my hair to cover up the spot that can no longer grow hair. i look at my knees and see the scars from the carpet burns that i got from the rape.