Insists there will be no return to austerity. Welcome back. The Chancellor Rachel reeves was striking a very different Tone Today on that Painful Budget coming up in october. In her address to the Labour Party Conference, she was focusing on the long Term Prize she promises will follow if labour can restore some stability. The much promised change in emphasis follows a Report Week that suggested a Consumer Sentiment had dropped last week that suggested a Consumer Sentiment had dropped Like A Stone through august a number of Business Leaders blaming the governments messaging for that. Today, though, the chancellor said any tax rises she introduces will not affect hard pressed working families. Therell be no return to austerity and she has pledged to continue spending on infrastructure. There will be no return to austerity. Conservative austerity was a destructive choice cheering Conservative Austerity was a destructive choice for our public services and for investment and growth, too. W
Hello youre watching the context on bbc news. Coming up the uk Prime Minister will no longer accept donations for clothes after a row over accepting gifts. Party Conference Season is well under way here in the uk and Today Reform Leader Nigel Farage opened his Partys Conference in birmingham. He told Supporters Britain is broken and said this was the weekend his party would come of age. We do not need to change the mind of a single person living in this country. Because the Silent Majority is already with us on the key issues that we care about. We can win the next general election, just with the numbers of people that agree with our principles, that agree that family, that agree that community, that agree that country should be the things that absolutely everybody in british public life campaigns for because they are the most important things to all of us that live here. Applause the labour partys annual conference will also kick off this weekend but it comes in a week in which the P
ConsUmer confIdence has slUmped. Is the Doom And Gloom laboUr Is sellIng sappIng all enthUsIasm for the brItIsh economy . The governments crItIcs say, It Is tIme for a new message . Reform say they wIll transform the party to pUt NIgel Farage In nUmber 10. Its a bIg pledge for a party wIth fIve mps. How are they goIng to do It . Good EvenIng And Welcome to newsnIght the home of InsIght and IntevIews. On oUr panel tonIght, The PromInent LaboUr Donor and champIon of Green Energy dale vInce, the former BrexIt Party mep, now talk presenter, alex phIllIps. And the Uk DIrector of more In common lUke tryl. For weeks now the government has been tellIng Us the coUntrys fInances are In a rIght old mess. Prepare yoUrself for some paIn, saId the PrIme MInIster. Well, It seems the coUntry has taken hIm at hIs word. ConsUmer sentIment, whIch powers the economy, has dropped lIke a stone In september. We are less wIllIng to spend, whIch means small and medIUm sIzed bUsInesses are not InvestIng eIther.
In the biggest israeli military it was a message of force, delivered quietly at first. Israeli soldiers seeking their targets, Street By Palestinian street. By morning, hundreds of troops backed by Armoured Bulldozers had arrived in the Refugee Camps of tulkarem, nablus, tubas, jenin. Home to armed palestinian groups and unarmed civilians. At least ten palestinians have been killed. Hamas says six of them were its fighters. Masoud najjar said he was injured when he opened the door of his house to young men asking for water. Translation we felt like something came down on us from the sky and there was an explosion. I was unaware of what was going on. When i put my hand on my chest, it was all shrapnel and blood. Injenin, Army Vehicles surrounded the citys two main hospitals. Ambulances stopped and checked by militaryjeeps. Israels Foreign Minister has urged his government to use gaza as a model for dealing with armed groups, here saying that iran was backing them and that this was a war
From jenin, Lucy Williamson sent this report. It was a message of force, delivered quietly at first. Israeli soldiers seeking their targets, Street By Palestinian street. By morning, hundreds of troops backed by Armoured Bulldozers had arrived in the Refugee Camps of tulkarem, nablus, tubas, jenin. Home to armed palestinian groups and unarmed civilians. At least ten palestinians have been killed. Hamas says six of them were its fighters. Masoud najjar said he was injured when he opened the door of his house to young men asking for water. Translation we felt like something came down on us from the sky and there was an explosion. I was unaware of what was going on. When i put my hand on my chest, it was all shrapnel and blood. Injenin, Army Vehicles surrounded the citys two main hospitals. Ambulances stopped and checked by militaryjeeps. Israels Foreign Minister has urged his government to use gaza as a model for dealing with armed groups, here saying that iran was backing them and that