World : Increase in new sustained cases - Haiti : 838 deaths - USA : All indices up - Dominican Republic : Downward trend - Quebec : Slight drop in new cases - France : On the way to improvement.
World : Moderate upward trend - Haiti : 2.13% of the population vaccinated with 1 dose - USA : Slowdown in new cases - Dom. Republic : Positivity rate down - Quebec : Hospitalization up - France : Peak of active cases reached.
World: Increase in cases and mortality - Haiti: 1.38% of the population vaccinated with 2 doses - USA: Strong rebound in cases in 24 hours - Dom. Republic: Stable positivity rate - Quebec: New cases on the rise - France: Towards the peak of the 7th wave.
World : 12.31 billion doses of vaccine injected - Haiti : New cases on the rise - USA : Decrease in new cases - Dom. Republic : 15.84 million doses of vaccine injected - Quebec : Increase in mortality - France : Active cases, moderate increase.