Elected officials, environmental advocacy groups and community leaders from throughout Northern and Central California have voiced support for Pacific Gas and Electric Company s plans to move.
The city of Eureka recently announced success in a grant application for a housing project that would add 90 housing units during a widespread housing shortage in the state. $20 million of the grant awarded to Linc Housing and the city will fund the development of 3 apartment buildings on parking lots in Eureka.
UPDATE, 2:40 p.m.: City of Eureka planning staff lets us know that the original designs for two of the projects, which we published this morning, have since been changed, due to feedback from both funders and city advisory committees.
Local muralist Ben Goulart recently created “The Dream Dragon” for the Festival of Dreams in Eureka. The Festival of Dreams a new arts and culture festival took place Aug. 25 to 27 at Halvorsen Park and in Old Town. The event was developed and funded by the city of Eureka and organized in […]