Community Compost Drop-Off Are you tired of rats, racoons and bears digging through your trash and compost pile? Redwood Community Action Agency is offering free food waste drop-off (up to 5 gallons/week) to the public. Bring us your kitchen or yard food scraps and help us build compost for our community u-pick garden at Freshwater Farms Reserve. Email or call 707-269-2071 to sign up! Donations support our community farm project at Freshwater Farms Reserve.
On Wednesday night, the Arcata city council heard a report on police responses in the first quarter of 2024. With a top response area being the Valley West neighborhood, two council members called for more police presence in the area.
“It is going to be a really wonderful legacy piece for the students as well,” Yinger said. “When they return in the coming years, they will get to say with pride, ‘I helped create that.’”
Organizations in California’s Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity counties, and Oregon’s Curry County, received grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 for holiday assistance programs offered between Nov. 15 and Jan. 1.