There were images he could never escape no language offered comfort. But polson and was a poet compelled to put the most extreme Human Experience into words. They. Came from just to stand in the shadow of a scar up in the at. The mine to stand for no one and nothing. On recognized for you alone these are lies. His beginnings had the hallmarks of most beginnings with much hope and little experience existence was not yet reality stricken a salon was to later describe his life it began in chan of its. He paul salon came into the world as powell and show on november the twenty third one nine hundred twenty. On a visit to chan of it eric salon the poet son and his friend the say lance scholar and publisher bud you. Behind these windows the young paul salon devised his own world a world of poetry. His face handsome and thoughtful seems delineated by earnestness he was devoted to his mother. With whom he shared a profound love of german language literature and music it cemented the bond betwe
Events he helped set in motion restoration de facto or thirty first g. W. There were images he could never escape. No language offered comfort. But polson on was a poet compelled to put the most extreme Human Experience into words. They. Came out and just to stand in the shadow of a scar up in the air. To a new monk to stand for no one and nothing. On record not just for you alone these are lying. His beginnings had the hallmarks of most beginnings with much hope and little experience existence was not yet reality stricken as say nine was to later describe his life it began in chan of its. He pulls the line came into the world as powell and show on november the twenty third one nine hundred twenty. On a visit to chan of its eric salon the poet son and his friend the say lance scholar and publisher. Behind these windows the young paul salon devised his own world a world of poetry. His face handsome and thoughtful seemed delineated by earnestness he was devoted to his mother fredericka w
Out for local heroes. D. W. Made for mines. Theyre two of the greatest artists of the sixteenth century look us karna known as the elder and his son also named gus qana. They ran the most prolific workshop of their time painting more and faster than any of their contemporaries. The protestant reformer Martin Luther was a close friend and the qana speak aimed the painters of the reformation. Born at the end of the middle ages the artists lived and made their fortune in a world that was rapidly changing both father and son embody ideas associated with the term a renaissance a time of revival and a people in art. In the. In. The contacts works have been studied by generations of scholars but many questions remain unanswered going to hard you know and in goes on our art historians and restorers here in massive book the drill theyre studying an altar piece that came from the konak workshop in the year fifteen thirty seven. Who painted it is it the work of connacht the elder or the younger o
W one up. For in focus Global Insights the news out for local heroes. The w made for mines. Theyre two of the greatest artists of the sixteenth century look us karna known as the elder and his son also named gus qana. They ran the most prolific workshop of their time painting more and faster than any of their contemporaries. The protestant reformer Martin Luther was a close friend and the qana speak aimed the painters of the reformation. Born at the end of the middle ages the artists lived and made their fortune in a world that was rapidly changing both father and son and body ideas associated with the term renaissance a time of revival and a people in art. In the. In. The contacts works have been studied by generations of scholars but many questions remain unanswered going to hard you know and in goes on our art historians and restorers here in massive book the drill theyre studying an altar piece that came from the konak workshop in the year fifteen thirty seven. Who painted it is it
There, hundreds of women were subjected to mob Sexual Assaults. Such scenes were impossible to imagine here in germany. But that is exactly what happened to many women across the country on new years eve. Hundreds of women were attacked just in cologne. Recently arrived migrants are alleged to have carried out most of the assaults. During the end of 2015, germany enthusiastically welcomed more than a million migrants seeking refuge from unrest across the middle east and africa. Now that mood is changing. The country is asking itself, has it ignored violence against women, either by immigrants or natives, for too long. Reporter jamin oh hasnt hasnt felt safe in cologne since new years eve. Crowds in front of the main train station put her on edge. She wanted to meet up with some friends to ring in the new year. But suddenly, she was encircled by a group of men. They began to grope me. It started off tame enough, touching my behind. Then it got worse. I got really mad. I felt hopeless, i