to you. [ laughter ] you re tough. thank god. but i really mean it s because of you. moms demand action, big deal. [ cheering and applause ] i really mean it. because what did you do, and young people coming up. people who you grew up with, who didn t think this was real, the suburbanite republican man or woman, or democrat, not just republican. thinks, everything is fine, all of a sudden they see someone of your caliber, someone of your commitment walking town the street saying we got to do something. it matters. it matters. it matters. and you can feel it. you can taste it, what you re doing. and here s the deal. you re changing the culture, proving we can do more than just thoughts and prayers. you re changing our politics, you re registering voters,
recruiting candidates, getting them elected. you ve proven you re powerful and relentless. it matters. it matters. they know you re not going away. as i just said when i signed the law, a call to action to do more because i don t see that this was enough. neither do you. really important. really, if nothing else happened, we have changed things for the better. so i set out to take as much executive action. that s a fancy word as saying what can i do as president on my own. executive action that made it illegal to manufacture so-called ghost guns. i just signed that. it s been challenged in court, but so far, it matters. to allow anyone to assemble a gun at home, bought from several different places in as little as 30 minutes, come on. these weapons don t have serial numbers, that s why they like to
you re registering voters. you re recruiting candidates. you re getting them elected. you re proving that you re powerful and relentless. and it matters. it matters. they know you re not going away. as i just said when i signed the law, a call to action to do more, because i don t see this was enough, neither do you really important, really if nothing else happened, we changed things for the better. so i set out to take as much executive action, a fancy word of saying what can i do as president on my own? executive action. it made it illegal to manufacture so-called ghost guns. i just signed that. i said that. it is being challenged in court, but so far it matters. allowing anyone to assemble a gun at home, bought from several different places in as little as 30 minutes, come on. these weapons don t have serial numbers. that s why they like to buy
to universal background checks, to banning assault weapons. of course the votes right now as it stands are not there in congress. he told the room of supporters, voters if they re not happy with this congress, perhaps it s time to get a new one, riling up the crowd ahead of 2024 in what is sure to be a big focus, not just voters looking to vote congress and senators but also to elect a president, of course he s seeking another term, and he touted the accomplishments he signed into law, and also said that the administration is willing to do more on executive action. he actually made a joke that they are going to be sued but the courts are not doing anything yet to stop them from issuing those executive actions, to increase background checks, for example, the justice department set any month now really to define what exactly a licensed firearms dealer is. we heard before the president took the stage from gun violence providers themselves, from students from parkland, for example, who int
candidates. do you get involved in picking candidates? absolutely, trey. number one job is recruiting candidates, house republicans have done a good job of this for several cycles. we picked up 15 seats in the house, that last cycwe ll took the majority back, the key on our success was recruiting great candidates. we recruit strong candidates, then we build strong campaigns around them that is how we will add seats this time. trey: you are right, we are friends we traveled together and took the plane back home together. i thought i did a better job of convincing you to not take on difficult challenges youi will the not get a lot of credit, you are sure this is what you want to do?