party much likes him. he wasn t that popular when he had the nomination. so i m not sure chris wants to embrace that one. now, senator rand paul got attention for these comments about using sandy recovery money for ads that encourage tourism. listen to this. some of these ads, people running for office put their mug all over these ads while they re in the middle of a political campaign. in new jersey, $25 million was spent on ads that included somebody running for political office. you think there might be a conflict of interest there. what do you think, jonathan, with the paul attack. maybe it s sour grapes on his part because his face he can t put his face on a billboard anywhere in kentucky. what we re seeing in terms of the criticisms from rand paul and ted cruz and marco rubio, it s just, you know, a bunch of guys who sees someone who could do some damage to their own
bill that would cut $40 billion from food stamps. when the cuts were first proposed, he told the wall street journal, it s a big victory. joining the table now, congresswoman carolyn maloney, democrat of new york. joel berg, executive director of the new york city coalition against hunger. maya wiley, and still with with us, republican consultant, katon dawson. so congressman, let me ask you this, why is it politically, strategically beneficial for any of your colleagues to lead the charge against food stamps? well, you ve got to put it in perspective. this is the same team that closed the government for 16 days, that cost the economy, by some economist measures, $24 billion. this was a self-inflicted wound. so they put this pain on the public and then they re causing more pain by not continuing the recovery money, the $5 billion, that is so desperately needed. this past week, i went to two of the centers in the district that
it offers children an opportunity to learn vital cognitive physical and social skills, many of which cannot be taught in a classroom. in addition recess should not be a substitute for old-fashioned p.e. class. much needed relief for victims of superstorm sandy could be on its way today, or maybe not. the house is set to begin debate on a $50.7 billion aid package, but fiscal conservatives coos unleash, they have to offset recovery money with spending cuts. and the vice chair of is the democratic caucus spoke about this a short time ago. especially people who are victims of natural disaster, and the congress stand today to do what we ought to have been done at least two months ago, and that is to respond to the victims of this horrible superstorm sandy.
representing gary peerts a democrat in michigan the company has to plant. he wrote a letter to energy secretary getting some recovery money. given a 123 gave all of the money now the company is working out a bingsy deal to sell to johnson controls inc. doesn t look like that money accomplished the goal. those donations add up to a lot of money. the time is 47 after the top of the hour. coming up mitt romney gets his turn at the mike. hoping the president would bring joe biden along this evening. he will laugh at anything. alec baldwin not feeling the love. steve doocy is on fox and
about education as the road to economic recovery, economic opportunity but here s where we stand in the world right now and you know these numbers better than do i. 25th in math, 17th in science, 14th in reading. after a stimulus infusion of about $100 billion for education, why are we still behind? we have a lot of hard work ahead of us but we ve made real progress. one of the thing we were able to do with recovery money is save the jobs of educators across the country. that was a huge step in the right direction. but we have to continue the invest at every level, in early childhood education, k through 12 reform, making college more accessible and affordable. we took $40 billion that were going to banks, stop subsidizing banks, put all that money into pell grants and this year we have almost 10 million young people with access to higher