fox news columnist served in bush bhows during hurricane katrina. welcome karl, nice to see you. so what do voters expect from governors and presidents particularly governors here when you have a natural disaster like this? well they expect governor to be in charge and to have mobilized both local governments, state government, and private institutions to mediate the aftermath and to be able to help peel get back on their feet. this is a test if you will ofen frontline leadership of a governor and also in some instances the mayor of big cities have a big role to place but governor is lead. federal government basically writes checks unless the local government and state government utterly collapse as they did in katrina and the federal government has to nationalize the event in essence. but florida has a strong tradition of governors rising up and meeting challenges they have one of the best management cities governor of florida needs to know how to deal with this because th
tradition of governors rising up and meeting challenges they have one of the best management cities governor of florida needs to know how to deal with this because they like it or not hurricanes are coming virtually every year. paul: right so a matter of preplanning but also then two or three weeks afterwards how well does the recovery effort go? i guess that will be a crucial test here. absolutely, and how do you mobilize additional resources you run into difficulties and certain areas and how do you make certain that everybody is talking to everybody, and they ve got some big challenge there is. wiped out causeway connecting mainland to sanibel island large amounts of the electrical grid florida power and lights said in advance some of them are going to be wiped out and have to not be repaired but rebuilt that s a problem but desantis as i say has been thinking about it as every florida governor does weafning on briefings he s really into the detail which is what a governor needs t