documents issue. lucas tomlinson from the white house, lucas, what is the reaction? well, bill, for days we have been hearing from republicans, they want to see this matter investigated fully and now some democrats are joining the course. i want the facts, i want the department of justice to be completely thorough, completely honest and i want we need to know who knew and when did they know and why did they chose to keep it secret for two months and before an election. lucas: two democratic senators facing tough campaigns also want to see matter investigated. manchin telling, quote, reports of mishandling documents are extremely irresponsible and disturbing. the allegations should be investigated fully. president biden spending time in beach other house in delaware. no documents discovered in that place unlike wilmington home. sent a letter to biden s director of na of na of nationag similar assessment. quote, this discovery of classified information would put preside
political hay out of things but it s also kind of their job and part of their responsibility and also probably helps them politically as they are doing it. gillian: let s take a look at exhibit a. here is a photo of then vice president biden standing in the oval office holding what you can see there is a classified, a code ward classified document that refers to one of the nation s most sensitive secrets. he s not supposed to be photographed carrying classified information, nobody is. it violates national security policy. the presidential records management act. do you think anyone on capitol hill knows that or cares? i think that we are probably going to get a crash course in all of these rules over the coming months and that s politics and i think it s probably beneficial for for everybody involved. but i think you also put your finger on another point that is very important here. a huge difference between, we talk about the difference between president trump and president biden,