his role in the holocaust but his own words tell a very different story. hadas gold reports. reporter: when adolf eichmann stood trial in 1961, he claimed that he didn t know the extent of the holocaust and was just following orders. but a few years earlier in 1957 while hiding in argentina, eichmann spent hours boasting about his role, all recorded on tapes meant for memoirs. now after decades under wraps, the israeli documentary the devil s confession is allowing the world to hear eichmann in his own voice as actors reason act the recording sessions .
the world to hear eichmann in his own voice as actors reenact the recording sessions. [ speaking foreign language ] in 1960 eichmann was apprehended, bringing him to israel to stand trial after which he was ultimately executed. prosecutors knew the tapes existed. they had transcript, but eichmann claimed his words were distorted. the director spent movnths convincing the anonymous donor who had placed the tapes at the german archives to give him
apprehended him, brought him to israel to face trial where he claimed he didn t know about the extent of the holocaust and said he was just following orders. but these tapes, brianna, tell a much different story. i want us to play a clip where you will hear his actual voice but these are actors reenacting these recording sessions. take a listen. reporter: brianna, these tapes were in private hands for years before landing at a german