Along here and moving one step further. First i would have to wonder where exactly the facility for car sharing, whether this would be one on one done iconically through electronic means, customer to customer or sharer to sharer. I have to study that issue a little bit more. More specifically about care sharing spots in developments, for example, in the marketoctavia plan area in terms of requirements for making them optional for making them possible. Well, i would say that that would be a very favorable to have those required in new developments as a percentage of off Street Parking that is required for lease developments, yes, of course. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for your consideration and time. Thank you, mr. Steen next, we have nick wolff, nick you have spoken before to this committee but you are welcome it speak again if you would like. I know many of the questions had come up around not really your qualifications to sit on the seat, you are very well qualified to s
With and on behalf of low income people and i feel that he better represents the interests of what this seat is about and hes talking about a lot of things that i think are a big concern of mine as were seeing San Francisco move in a direction that is working more for the wealthy when he clearly hits the notes i want to hear when he talks about making sure we have the perspective of folks that are not getting the advantage that many others are getting in the city. Thats something we have to look for as a city and i want to appoint people to bodies that look at our land use from that perspective, so i would like to support mr. Steen in this position and would like to motion that. Okay, so there is a motion to move forward on mr. Steen to the board for this seat on the marketoctavia citizens advicery committee. I just want to say a couple of things. I was one of the members had brought up concerns about insuring that we had a low income perspective in the marketoctavia citizens advisory
inaudible Monitoring Committee and i became aware of the Committee Vacancy just prior to those nominations to the Monitoring Committee. I had withdrawn my application and you had gone ahead and forwarded 5 nominees to fill 6 seats. I am going through the local homeless coordinating board for a separate seat on the shelter and monitoring board to that body. Working on both these committees will not really impact my time a great deal. The Committee Meetings are in the evening, i live within the district, work parttime right now at laguna honda as a patient mentor to aids patients, those who are hiv positive. I was just really surprised to see or to hear this opportunity, committee opportunity, occur at the same time i was here for the elder Monitoring Committee. Thank you. Are there any questions from Committee Members . Just curious, i used to live in isla vista. Just curious what your contributions to the landscape in isla vista were. Actually, my contribution was more to Community Ser
Upscale condominiums. I see this occurring throughout the boundary areas of the marketoctavia corridor. But im also interested in our public aesthetic despite our decreasing Square Footage for higher income earners decreasing and decreasing opportunities for low income residents, seniors and those disabled within the boundaries of this planned district, its important to be able to preserve and keep these as well as develop new opportunities with local nonprofit agencies which are developing such as Affordable Housing opportunities for a variety for diversity of our population which really needs the assistance, not only do we have to keep our middle class and our families in San Francisco, we need to keep our entire age and income and ethnic population spectrum intact in San Francisco. But i am very concerned, as i said before, with the public aesthetic. Things do have to move forward. So im open to any questions you may have. Thank you, mr. Steen actually, just really quickly, actually
Community gardening opportunities for low to moderate to affordable income residents, the keeping of upper Market Street at least as a sunshine corridor so that the building, the new growth and developments occurring along the Market Street corridor dont overshadow the upper Market Street. I have been quite concerned with two years ago there was a lot of holes in the ground, to put it plainry, walking up and down Market Street and throughout the marketoctavia corridor and boundaries, most of those holes have been virtually plugged up. There is not much vacant land level for development. This has occurred in the last 24 months, its very easy to see, the disappearing vacant land. In any event i would like to also, i am also very interested in pedestrian safety, developing pedestrian amenities along Market Street, increasing decreasing vehicular traffic and increasing bicycling opportunities and im also very interested in generally not only the development of low income and very low Incom