Halston is a drama TV miniseries released on May 14, 2021, on Netflix. The show is created by Sharr White and based on the book, Simply Halston by Steve Gains. Directed by Ryan Murphy, it stars Ewan McGregor, Rory Culkin and Rebecca Davan, among others. The storyline follows the life of designer Halston, as he manages his way into the fashion world.
Love, Death & Robots is an animated collection of stories, the second season released to Netflix on May 14, 2021. The series is created by Tim Miller and produced under the banners of Blur Studio and Netflix Studios. The collection of stories shown throughout the series range from science fictions, fantasies, horror, and even comedy.
Halston TV Review
Plot: The limited series
Halston follows the legendary fashion designer (Ewan McGregor), as he leverages his single, invented name into a worldwide fashion empire that’s synonymous with luxury, sex, status, and fame, literally defining the era he lives in, 1970’s and ‘80’s New York until a hostile takeover forces him to battle for control of his most precious asset… the name Halston itself.
Review: I have long been a fan of Ryan Murphy s brand of storytelling. Since making the shift from FX to Netflix, his projects have been underwhelming.
The Politician, Hollywood, and
Ratched have all felt like variations of his same formula. Each new series tried to tell a story we had not seen before, but thanks to Murphy, we have and many times over. With my bar set fairly low, I was not expecting
Ewan McGregor stars as legendary gay fashion designer in first Halston trailer
Netflix has dropped the first trailer for Halston.
Set to Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode, the trailer follows Ewan McGregor as the iconic gay fashion designer as he attends drug-fuelled parties, figures out his signature style and vows to “change the face of American fashion”.
The following line from the character sets the tone for the series: “I’ve been an outsider my whole life until one day I just stopped giving a flying fuck.”
Roy Halston Frowick rose to international fame in the 1970s. His influence and business strategies redefined American fashion. In 1990, he passed away at age 57 due to AIDS-related cancer.