AssassInatIon attempt agaInst Donald Trump Last Sunday at hIs FlorIda Golf Club Is appallIng and do despIcable. It Is the second straIght faIlure by the Secret ServIce whIch dId not secure the Golf Course and the 58yearold convIcted felon mIght well have succeeded If a sharpeyed Agent Hadnt spotted the tIp of hIs gun through I the fence and opened fIre. ThIs Is sImply unacceptable, and trumps securIty must be Increased. But It Is there that any MedIa Con Consensus breaks down. Trump reacted by tellIng Fox News dIgItal he belIeves the rhetorIc of bIden and harrIs, and he acted on It. TheIr rhetorIc Is causIng me to be shot at. Let me just number In and say jump In and says anyone who trIes to kIll a candIdate or does a Mass ShootIng Is by defInItIon crazy. But these two two attempts In two months are fuelIng a fIrestorm of debate wIth the MedIas Role Front and center about whether Kamala HarrIs SIde or the Trump SIde Is more responsIble for fosterIng a clImate of vIolence. Donald trumps
and actually put itpu on anything. so most things don t make met my happy. but that s most definitely did that. you know what?that d that s totallyef that that s wy great jessou the great jesse kelly. thank you. greae ket to see you tonight. zubov. so, george gascon, the suspect district attorney in los angeles, d to prosecute. st buopt that s the opposite. why does he stop punishing theft innishing l.a.? re and as a result, a losut of businesses are getting robbed, a lot of cases violentlythey with weapons and in some cases clerks. than rk and k are fighting back. this one of those clerks is tonight s employee ofding a long knife and looks lik the month. so this lunatic comes ine wielding a long knife, looks likebutture knif a butcher knifs to rob a mini mart in rob a a westlake neighborhood. and the clerk grabs the knife.rd you re seeing the picturesu re e on your screen now. f th of course, the clerk then ran the robber out of the store. at knife point. the store s owner, r
want to take down gordon ramsay. of course. where are we going? gordon ramsay does not doalwaysg losing all. losing all. new nextaniz night thursday on fox. abou but she started forgetting to pay her bills on time and she d buy the same gifts ha. over and over. over and over. telling the girls about my alzheimer s diagnosis wasda really hard at first.mportant fu e were like, okay, let s makewhat. a plan. early detection gave us time to adapt together. your are notit s so important fn to think about what you can dog and making the most of what you have. if you or your family are noticing changes, it could be alzheimer s. talk about seeing a doctor together. superstars on the planet front superstars on the planet front at 8:00 easter othen on fox.
is going on . the investigat e is stills bran ongoing, but the captain of new maui flight was brand new . there was a new hire. alm first officer in f my understanding is that we almost lost an airplanode for no good reason.k course both have been sent back to goth through the four week course. the new hire here on my fleet hu is a nightmare. it took them 50 hours to get through initial operating experience. worse yet, talking to his them ended up in the dirt. not on twenty five landings in the simulator, fifteen ended up in the dirt. no thet one of them wass ra on the center. one of the runway, they said, oa is radioed wort ofk is like thaf a private pilot. he has no situationali m ju awareness. d united i m jump seating to sfo right t now. united be tripleriple 7 firs set officer is next to me. she said the training is totally inadequate. for new hires. her husband helps train them ata piited s in-house pilot academy . aviad he s constantly asking these kids who come inacademyi,s a
be safe. imagine at the same time this is happening in washington dc and st. georgetown. well, the national guard would be called in and no mushroom cloud of toxic chemicals on the horizon and we can promise you that. in both case this affected the rich or favored poor, it would be the lead of every news channel in the world. but it happened to the poor town of east palestine, ohio. who s people are forgotten and the view of the people that lead the country forgettable. no big deal. tucker: it could be in nooks, crannies and crevasses of course. that s how poison gas works. ask anyone for done. that would explain the effect