Residents who recently purchased their first home postponed buying to work on credit scores and dipped into retirement and savings accounts to come up with a down payment.
I wish I had a nickel for every Missouri driveway and/or sidewalk that I've shoveled in my lifetime. Spoiler Alert - I don't have any nickels. But, does Missouri law require me to shovel snow? That's a question with a lot of complicated answers depending on several factors.
I wish I had a nickel for every Missouri driveway and/or sidewalk that I've shoveled in my lifetime. Spoiler Alert - I don't have any nickels. But, does Missouri law require me to shovel snow? That's a question with a lot of complicated answers depending on several factors.
I wish I had a nickel for every Missouri driveway and/or sidewalk that I've shoveled in my lifetime. Spoiler Alert - I don't have any nickels. But, does Missouri law require me to shovel snow? That's a question with a lot of complicated answers depending on several factors.