president and the president s son-in-law. they feel good because he has the ear of the president. a lot of these issues are intractable, there s a reason they haven t been solved for a long time. i m told jared kushner looks at the middle east issue as a real estate issue. and real estate is part of it. but president obama says, you can t want it more than the negotiators want it. you have to persuade people to take risks, bb, the palestinians. and that isn t about reali estate. it s about understanding the kind of courage it takes to make deals that could potentially hurt you. philip, i m wondering if you believe that this set-up in the white house is ultimately kind of designed to fail. i keep saying we ve never seen a flow chart like this, and you could say that times about five.
yes, now there are some allies overseas, in the gulf for example who understand that the son-in-law also rises. they are hereditary monarchy they feel good with the son-in-law because they think he has the either of the president. but a lot of the issues are intractable there is a reason they haven t been solved a long time. i m told jared looks at the middle east peace issue as a real estate issue. and yes real estate is a part of it. but the point is as president obama says, you can t want it more than the negotiators want it. the fact is you have to persuade people to take risks, bee bee, the battlenens and that isn t about real estate. that s about ujds the courage it takes to make the deals that could potentially hurt you. phillip, i m wondering if you believe that this in setup in
but a lot of the issues are intractable there is a reason they haven t been solved a long time. i m told jared looks at the middle east peace issue as a real estate issue. and yes real estate is a part of it. but the point is as president obama says, you can t want it more than the negotiators want it. the fact is you have to persuade people to take risks, bee bee, the battlenens and that isn t about real estate. that s about ujds the courage it takes to make the deals that could potentially hurt you. phillip, i m wondering if you believe that this in setup in the white house is ultimately designed to fail. i keep saying we ve never seen a flow chart like this. and you could say that times about 5. that s right. it s messy mp and you know there
ill will towards the wonderful muslim people that had no part of 9/11, but i am just saying why at ground zero? we have mosques all over new york, and i m so proud of them. rosaleen, we have to take a quick break. bruce, i want you to be able to respond to that and then we ll take a quick break. what we have is there is a community down there that he has and they re trying to find a location. i do not believe and have never believed this is a real estate issue. i believe there is going to be a compromise going to come out of this. god willing. but all of us who care about what these people died for can stand up and say that what america is about is finding a way for people to co-exist. that is the message we have to deliver. we ll take a quick break and continue with our guests again. we ll be discussing this for the whole hour. it s an important conversation. we ll show you more of what imam rauf has said. for better or worse, this is a national conversation. live chat is up
what i think a lot of us but you re not answering, wyatt ground zero? the conversation that we re having is what new york is about and what this country is about and what and it is about a situation where we have to say there is another voice in this country that is not the extremist. that if the extremists who flew those planes into those buildings are responsible i agree. it is that voice i harbor no ill will against the wonderful muslim people that had no part of 9/11, but i am just saying wyatt ground zero? we have mosques all over new york and i m so proud of them. rosalee, we have to take a quick break. bruce, respond to that and then we have to take a quick break. there is a community down there that he has and they re trying to find a location. i do not believe and have never believed this is a real estate issue. i believe there is going to be a compromise. it s going to come out of this. god willing. but all of us who care about what these people died for