Therefore, it has no merit as opposed to see the potential for good restoration. I think this is a critical piece. When people talk about were losing San Francisco, theyre talking about not that we dont want anything new, but they see too much of the beautiful things that define our character being lost. We can marry both. This is an important priority. And it needs to be a priority of our next director. Thank you very much. President melgar thank you, commissioner. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners and, thank you, president melgar, for allowing us to come and speak to the commission about this item. Im anastasia, im a tenant and housing advocate. In my view, a new director has to recognize and respect San Franciscos history, architecture and its people and acknowledge that our city is not for sale. A new director must not be cow towed by big money. The arena numbers show too much marketrate housing as opposed to too little new housing for lowincome residents is being
Continuance to october 24. It is now proposed for continuance to october 10, 2019. No other items for continuance and no speaker cards. President melgar do any member of the public wish to speak on the matter of continuance . Jonas i apologize, commissioners. Items 14a and b, for case number 2016001794, 95 hawthorne street, shadow findings, we received a request to continue this matter to october 10th, 2019. And under your discretionary review, 19a and b for case numbers 002545env90 at 2417 green street president melgar sorry to interrupt you. Commissioner richards needs to recuse himself from one of the items proposed for continuance, so i believe we have to vote on that first. Jonas we do, but if i could just read them into the record. You could let us know which one you need to recuse yourself from. Again, items 19a and b for case number 2417 green street. An appeal of the preliminary negative declaration and discretionary review. We received a request from the Supervisors Office to
Should have had a more we do have it remains very large so yet were were in a bad situation i think and britain. Half a trillion of this quantitative easing and even voices in the military people see committee of the bank of england saying its not working yet well this voice is everywhere and now even some of the top x. Central Central Bank Governors raising questions about q. E. Mario draghi in his announcement talked about the need for governments to do more expanding fiscal policy and thats a view thats becoming increasingly prevalent i think amongst Monetary Policy makers governments arent yet getting the message that we still havent seen expansion in fiscal policy to create demand in the economy that i think you need the roots of the response problem to what we have right now are the roots to be found in postings because. I know youve been writing about the fact that we keep emphasizing Household Spending rather than innovation and progress and the fact that money supply may not b
Progress and the fact that money supply may not be the most important thing here it may be money allocation as someone from the Chinese Communist but anyway yes i think that is exactly the problem there isnt really a supply story problem theres a demand side problem the demand is coming from speculative speculative type demand so theres lots of demand from households to get mortgages to buy houses house prices keep going on as demand from investors to buy Financial Assets but there isnt enough them on from businesses to invest in innovation in Capital Investment paying pays it always is a group think they think that entrepreneurs Small Businesses big corporations they will be investing thinking its all about the private sector and theyll do it yeah i think it is about to do that i think the theory of quantitative easing is basically that if the Central Bank Buys up the safe. Assets the government bonds some of the Corporate Bonds that are held by Institutional Investors those Instituti
In japan and we still havent got anywhere near the levels of growth that we had precrisis so the output gap between the protect what could have the growth we should have had a more we do have it remains very long yet were were in a bad situation i think and britain. Half a trillion of this quantitative easing and even voices in the military will see committee at the bank of england saying its not working yet well theres voices everywhere now even some of the top Central Central Bank governors raising questions about q. E. Druggy in his announcement talked about the need for governments to do more expanding fiscal policy and thats a view thats becoming increasingly prevalent i think amongst Monetary Policy makers governments arent yet getting the message that we still havent seen expansion in fiscal policy to create demand in the economy that i think kids need. The roots of the response problem to what we have right now are the roots to be found in postings because. I know youve been wr