Rogers Communications Inc. (TSE:RCI.A – Get Free Report) passed below its fifty day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a fifty day moving average of C$62.78 and traded as low as C$61.52. Rogers Communications shares last traded at C$61.57, with a volume of 286 shares traded. Rogers Communications Stock Down 0.4 […]
Shares of Rogers Communications Inc. (TSE:RCI.A – Get Free Report) crossed below its 50-day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a 50-day moving average of C$62.78 and traded as low as C$61.52. Rogers Communications shares last traded at C$61.57, with a volume of 286 shares trading hands. Rogers Communications Trading Down […]
this seriously. and so yale asked 100 ceos if i.a. could destroy humanity, and they said no way, no howe, but then 34% said that 10 years from now, and 42% added up says that this is not a risk decades from now, but in the not too distant future, and this is coming after a number of leading figures have been sounding alarm. and jeffrey hinton, the godfather of a.i. says that there is a risk that it is so smart to manipulate humans and override restrictions put in place, and clearly, there are yale professors who told me about the findings from the ceos who told me this spret ti dark and alarming. destroying human is pretty dark. and for those who say no way,
federal government from the state department to the betting on into the ci a. and the massive winterbottom cyclone storm has knocked out power to tens of thousands in the buffalo area and much of western new york is under severe weather warnings the national weather service is urging people to stay inside is visibility in some places is at zero risk of getting frostbite, is high in fox whether correspondent max gordon has more. reporter: with when continues to web in the snow continues to come down in sheets here in the buffalo area as you can see behind me, hundred five, the trucks at a standstill and a travel ban is in place in the city of buffalo and surrounding counties, official say do not go out there and the roads and it is simply, too dangerous and for many, they might be stuck in the vehicles were here this gas station where many people hunkered down last night and
Rogers Communications Inc. (TSE:RCI.A – Get Rating) crossed above its fifty day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a fifty day moving average of C$57.87 and traded as high as C$63.11. Rogers Communications shares last traded at C$63.00, with a volume of 415 shares changing hands. Rogers Communications Stock Performance The […]