The Aam Aadmi Party on Wednesday announced it will observe 'Samvidhan Bachao, Tanashahi Hatao Divas' on the birth anniversary of B R Ambedkar on April 14 on the advice of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Ambedkar Jayanti 2024: AAP To Observe ‘Samvidhan Bachao, Tanashahi Hatao Divas’ on BR Ambedkar's Birth Anniversary.
Ambedkar’s writings are an ideal interface to grant the desired humanity to the dehumanised and excluded people declared untouchable and unseeable a group without history.
On the birth anniversary of B. R. Ambedkar, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday took a swipe at the government, saying the culture of forcing silence and branding people anti-nationals is a dangerous trend that will finish our democracy and destroy the Constitution