RRB NTPC Admit Card and NTPC CBT I exam date have not been released. Candidates should note that Railway Recruitment Board has not announced the RRB NTPC 2019 Exam date, and they should ignore the fake news of RRB NTPC Exam date notification that is being circulated on the social media.
Railway Recruitment Board has recently finished up with the RRB Paramedical Exam 2019. And now, RRB NTPC 2019 (Railway Recruitment Board Non-Technical Popular Categories) admit card is likely to be released next week. Here s link to download admit card.
RRB NTPC 2019 admit card is expected to be released soon by the Railway Recruitment Board. Students can download RRB NTPC 2019 admit card from the official website of regional RRBs - rrbcdg.gov.in, rrbajmer.gov.in, rrbmumbai.gov.in, rrbsecunderabad.nic.in etc once it is released.