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seventy four million is flooded. the election from his anonymouse supporters os anonymr six times the twenty five million trump got. bide then couldn t even pretendo hide his ultimate objective. todayde, here s justample. one recent example. conservative activist who spent, as was his rightas u decades working to putis enough conservative justice on the supreme court to overturn roe v. wade. s tonow has access to one points six billion dollars in dark$1.6b money to dilo more damage. and from our perspective and restrict more freedoms as far as we know, did he fallt? asleep there with where he wasi sleep talking about what biden s nut jobs want is conservative donors to live under the same protest? , as am u y coni barrett and brad kavanaugh still do. but the good news is biden st ts words. they are just hot air signifying nothing. this bill woulrd be dead in the water. and speaking of a waste ofspeakg