Nearly 40 jobs are on the chopping block at the Live Oak School District. The district finds itself with insufficient reserves, unable to meet its financial obligations for the next few years.
"We are truly interested," said Live Oak School District Board President Kristin Pfotenhauer, "but we also need to protect that property until we have an identified site that will work and we're actively in that process. We are looking."
Crews have cleaned and made improvements to culverts and drainage ditches. Randy Ishii, the director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks, said crews have removed some 130,000 cubic yards of debris from both the January and March floods. That’s roughly 13,000 dump truck loads, or the equivalent of 13 Goodyear blimps.
The floodwaters in Pajaro have long since receded, and state and federal officials gathered in Watsonville on Nov. 21 to announce progress on infrastructure improvements to the Pajaro River levee