I think what happens next, as i said, equipping the free syrian army, moving forward with taking mosul and raqqa, and creating safe havens for these refugees. We need to know if the plan is now to topple assad come need know what the post assad syria will look like, how we get there and how that makes the American People safer. I think the white house should bring to us their plan on syria. I hope that what the plan would contain would be the establishment of a humanitarian zone in Northern Syria where we can deliberate deliver aid to syrians that would be protected by u. S. And other nations military assets from the Bashar Alassad rise. I appreciate President Trump making that case to congress about what further military action should be taken if any pair there are some folks in congress who want to see us in protracted military involvement in syria. I think that would be a mistake. Julie conor powell is live from the syriaisrael border with the very latest. The u. S. Response to tues