the rest i ll submit. the clerk: thank you, supervisor mar. mr. president, seeing no other names on the roster, that concludes roll call for introductions. president chiu: thank you. colleagues, why don t we now go to our 2:30 special orders. madam clerk please call items 14 through 17 around 1100 lombard street. the clerk: 14 persons interested in planning department s determination dated february 23, 2012 located at 1100 lombard street is exempt from environmental review under the california environmental quality act. item 15 a motion affirming department s exemption determination. item 16 reversing the determination by the planning department and 17 the preparation of findings. president chiu: this is a project in district 2. i want to recognize the supervisor representing district 2 supervisor farrell. supervisor farrell: thank you. i want to thank the appellants and project sponsor for their hard work. unless you want to talk to the project sponsor, the appella
pretty much during the first week of school. i applaud the teachers and parents and principal and will be working with merchants and residents to keep our neighborhoods safe. lastly i wanted to also say that i forgot to mention that we just voted upon, on first reading, his an important piece of legislation that would increase solar and energy efficiency improvements in homes and businesses in the city. it was the california rural home mortgage finance authority ordinance that we just passed. but i wanted to say on first reading that this is an effort that s been several years in the making, from the mayor s office, the environment leadership, but also guillermo. i offered with their support sustainable financing sf which would allow homeowners and to allow improvements in their buildings. in 2010 the federal housing finance agency struck it down and blocked the implementation. so this is one effort kind of we re using to get around the federal government s decision so that
thank you for being unfair. president chiu: are there any other members are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? sir? the mic to your right. i just got here, don t have time to fill out the form. if i may take a moment. it s too hard to pick it up. it s too heavy to pick it up but its full of customer surveys, taxi customer surveys, san francisco taxi driver, peter witt, san francisco driver for 24 years. i conduct these surveys just out of the about of good government and for the greater good of the city. being a native san franciscan i drive the taxi and walk the streets of sidewalk. i m concerned primarily because mta is a bunch of bs, okay. i ve been submitting these taxi surveys, 1,000, with a 93% return rate, by the way, which is phenomenal, if i do say so myself, an expert will guide you if you need guiding. but this is what it looks like when i process it. this is the very first one i did. i did 500 but i didn t t
person that is physically challenged. and so this fair city talks a lot about mandates, talks a lot about transparency, talks a lot about accountability, but when it comes to doing the right thing, i ask you so-called representatives, have you taken a stand to do the right thing. have you taken a stand to do the right thing. come friday president chiu: thank you very much. no. no. that was the first bell. this is the second time you ve done it to me. that was the first bell. this is the second time you ve done it to me. i need 20 seconds. president chiu: actually, that was the second bell as the clerk has told me. that was the first bell. president chiu: that was the second bell. let me conclude. i know. let me conclude. president chiu: thank you very much. i make one statement. president chiu: thank you very much. thank you for being unfair. president chiu: are there any other members are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in g
authorization. traditionally personal service was prohibited above the ground floor because of a concern for dwell units. however that concern has been addressed here in the valencia street nct because there have been recent controls that ensured the preservation of housing. and since personal service is currently conditionally permitted on the second story in the district the use should also in our estimatation be permitted on the third story. the last item i have is a hearing request on an item that has been reported recently in the press and that has to do with the number of arrests that are done by the san francisco police department, in getting the information broken down by race and ethnicity. in as we may be as we may recall, the base citizen recently reported the san francisco police department has been underreporting the arrest rates for the city s two of the city s largest racial and ethnic minority groups, specifically the latino community and the asian commu