Elon Musk launched his long-teased artificial intelligence startup xAI on Wednesday with a team of engineers from the very U.S. technology firms he hopes to challenge in his bid to build an alternative to ChatGPT.
Forget about famed boxing bouts like the Rumble in the Jungle or the Thrilla in Manila billionaire social media moguls Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have been egging each other into a mixed martial arts cage match in Las Vegas.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the United States may encourage more American companies to consider investing in the South Asian country as they look to reduce their reliance on China for manufacturing-related activities.
U.S. ride-hailing giant Uber said on Thursday that customers will soon be able to track emissions avoided when choosing greener rides and have the option of shared rides in more cities to further reduce CO2 emissions.