DAR ES SALAAM: TOP universities in Tanzania and Finland are engaging in discussions prior to renewing their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at paving the way for the implementation of the Geospatial-ICT technologies (GeoICT4e) project. The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) and Finland’s Turku University have already signed the new deal for the implementation
NAPE Nnauye, Minister for Information, Communications and Information Technology has assured the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Mizengo Pinda Campus and residents of Mpimbwe District in Katavi Region residents to get reliable communication for both mobile phones and-
OVER 300 course curricula for higher learning institutions are being reviewed with government supervision to facilitate improvements of programmes, align them with current developments in science and technology, plus market needs.
LIVESTOCK and Fisheries Minister Mashimba Ndaki has instructed the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Morogoro Region to research on and invent simple low cost technology to help farmers to abandon the hand hoe in order increase crops production.